About me

Animation - Rigging - Blender training

With over 14 years of experience using Blender, a solid 3D generalist background and multiple successful Blender courses. I'm a former Animation and Art director in the game insutry. I currently offer rigging, animation and directing services in the video game and entertainment industry.

Feel free to contact me through our contact form if you have any needs.

Happy client

Best of 2024

Here is a short edit of some of the projects I worked on in 2024 as an animator, rigger, director, VFX artist...

My latest animation

I wanted to make some kind of Overwatch character intro animation. Always loved the art direction of Overwatch and Blizzard in general. Made in Blender, rendered with cycles, VFX in Adobe Animate, compositing in AfterEffects.

AOER² teaser

A teaser I made to promote my rigging course in Blender. It was a great challenge and I'm really proud of the result.


A commercial I directed and worked on with my friends at Atypique Studio for a video game concept.